- Is Haipappa free?
Yes, absolutely! It is free for users/ customers. You only pay for the services you avail from the service providers. - Is my device supported?
Haipappa is supported on most Android and iPhone Smartphones. - Is Haipappa available in my city?
Currently our services are only available in our operations headquarter located in Kottayam, we will soon expand our services to other cities. Please leave us your information if you are interested in availing services in your city. - How can I trust this service?
Haipappa provides services only from trusted service partners. The selection procedure for service partners assures quality and aims to set a benchmark in the service industry. Haipappa does not assign a random service provider to you; instead it connects you to a trusted service partner. Your privacy is important to us, hence we carefully pick our service providers to provide the best services to you and aid you enjoy the best experience. - How is my information used by Haipappa?
We are motivated to deliver the best for our customers which starts by making your information confidential and privileged; we do not share your information with unsolicited callers. - When and how do I make the payment?
The choice is yours, either you pay online or pay by cash before or after availing the service. - Can I pay by Wallet?
We don’t like to force users to use our own wallet, freedom to pay using the popular wallets. - Can I pay after completion of service via online?
Indeed, you may pay online after getting your services. At Haipappa we are built on trust, so you truly are the boss- pay when you choose- before or after the service! Try Haipappa today. - How is the cost for my services calculated? What is Transparent pricing?
Before you book any service, Haipappa offers you options to estimate the Service Cost by rate card. For certain services, price is suggested after the service visit based on which a final amount calculated. You may do this on the app/website or our customer care personnel would assist you with this. - Can I reschedule my booking?
Certainly, you may reschedule a booking using our app support ticket or by reaching out to our customer care.